Innovative Approaches To Process Serving
A process server is waiting to give a subpoena to a lady who lives at a gated community. They wouldn’t let him in so he decides to wait outside and basically wait for her to come back to the front.
As soon as he sees her pull up he asks her, “Are you blah blah?”. To which she responds, “Yes. What do you want?”.
The server tossed the subpoena into her car and walked away.
She sees what it is and tosses it on the ground claiming “that’s unfair. My husband is a lawyer. I’ll have him come after you. Blah blah blah”.
The server simply stares back at her and says “I’ll testify in court that you touched it and that’s all that matters” and then he walks away.
Naturally, she threw it on the ground and started kicking it – because that’s what you do.